Build a sustainable and regenerative future.


The Lab aims to provide students with advice, research and professional skills in sustainability and regeneration. Today, sustainability is no longer enough in many areas and future professionals must increase their ecological literacy. Through collaboration with administrations, foundations, companies or projects, the Lab will propose solutions that complement the role of young people in the face of global challenges. Knowledge of the state planetary boundaries, sustainability indicators, climate change, biodiversity, etc. are topics in which all sectors must be involved in the coming years.


Enhance biodiversity conservation and sustainable/ regenerative practices.
Foster the decarbonization of the economy through a holistic and transversal perspective.
Understad and integrate the concept of Ecosystem Services in cities and infrastructure planning.
Investigate best practices for ESG.
Biomimicry: disrupting innovation inspired by nature.


Work on the (non-technical) development that an App can have to guide consumers in choosing clothes under sustainable criteria.
Research EU sustainability taxonomy to help the firm adapt the framework to report on its activities and assess its sustainability performance.
Identify arguments that show the importance of sustainability projects and become a reference as a BCorp company on the business model level.
Analyze the travel and tourism industry in order to reshape it by identifying sustainability trends, risks and opportunities.



Manuel Quirós is BSc, MSc, PhD in biology, researcher, teacher and artist. He is very active in nature conservation projects. He has been teaching non-environmental university programs for more than two decades for the Instituto de Empresa, the University of Navarra, ESIC, UPV/EHU... just to name a few, with singular subjects such as biomimicry, disruptive innovation, regeneration or finance for biodiversity, among others. His informative activity is extensive with collaborations in relevant media RTVE, radio, COP, UN, administrations, NGOs and companies, to which he adds numerous publications. Recently he collaborates with the Spanish Olimpic Committee, Interface floor, Balearic Superyatch or the Omacha Foundation in Amazonas. At IE, he is faculty at SPEGA, Business School and School of Science & Technology at undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

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