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Gain professional skills in an internship-like experience

IEU Labs are IE University’s alternative to traditional work placements. They provide hands-on, internship-like experience on campus to first and second year students that wish to start gaining professional practice. There are many IEU Labs for you to choose from, and by joining one you will not only get to build your professional profile and gain valuable practical knowledge of different sectors, but you will also have direct contact with managers and directors of leading companies, extending your professional network.

2023-24 LABs Calendar

Draw from the calendar of course periods. Online enrollment Nov 6 - 17 Extensive Period second semester, 4-6 hours / week Intensive Period, June, 4 hours per day

The TIMES for the extensive period are at 5 pm on Tuesdays in Madrid and on Fridays in Segovia, except for Madrid Startup Lab, which is at 19:30 on Thursdays and Madrid Social Lab, which which is at 18:00 on Wednesdays.

You can ENROLL through the enrolment platform:

What are the IEU LABs?

Fully-tutored working spaces where students develop professional projects and work closely with companies and institutions. An excellent opportunity for students who want a hands-on experience, to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge and professional skills.

Who can join?

All students from any program are welcome to apply to any IEU Lab, although they are specially aimed to 1st and 2nd year students.

How much work?

IEU LABs require your commitment to work hard and enjoy a full hands-on internship-like experience on campus.

  • Second semester: Work during 5 continuous months (workload: 4 to 6 hours per week).
  • Intensive period: After final exams until the end of June (workload: 4 to 6 hours per day).

The rules of the IEU LABs

Enroll in a maximum of 1 Lab each year.Each Lab will count for 3 ECTS credit, offered at no extra cost.

Consultancy Labs

Logo behavior lab
Behavior Lab

Make positive change through people.

Logo branding lab
Branding Lab

Get your brand across to your audience.

Comm Lab logo
Communication Lab

Create blogs, videos & other media content according to the clients needs.

Econ-data lab
Econ Datalab

Dive into the data and make economics relevant.

logo entertainment lab
Entertainment Lab

Join the revolution that impacts music, film, series, videogames and digital content.

Finance Lab logo
Finance Lab

Analyze financial markets to optimize investment strategies.

Innovation Lab logo
Innovation Lab

Unleash your creativity throught real business growth.

Legal Lab logo
Legal Clinic

Offer legal advice and counselling to NGOs and startups.

Marketing Lab logo
Marketing & Consumer Insights Lab

Develop brand building & strategy and prepare marketing plans for your clients.

Policy Lab logo
Policy Lab

Develop professional projects for private companies, public organizations and non-profits.

Slow Fashion Lab

Shape the future of Fashion. Join us.

Strategy Lab
Strategy Lab

Connecting businesses with bright new minds.

Tech logo
Tech Lab

Design innovative solutions for real life technology challenges.

Social Project Labs

Social Lab logo
Social Impact Lab

Work in social development consultancy to help people and communities.

Sustainability Lab

Make global environmental sustainability a reality.

Entrepreneurship Labs

StartUp Lab logo
Start-up Lab

Study the needs of your business idea. Develop a feasible business plan in order to pitch it to possible investors.


LABs Gallery

IEU LABs Shadowing 2023

Online ceremony celebrates the stratospheric success of IEU Labs

read more

IEU LABs hold a
Social Hackathon to address
the planet’s environmental crisis.

read more


Visit Campus online, under / Organizations/ IEU LABs&Entrepreneurship

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