Study the needs of your business idea. Develop a feasible business plan in order to pitch it to possible investors.


The Startup Lab provides a space and advice for students who have and want to develop a business idea into a real business. This is not a class, you will not get formal teaching. You will be working side by side with other students who are creating their business as well.

Leticia Ponce will be there to guide you and give direction on what your next steps should be. By the end of the Lab, you should have validated your business ideas, created a minimum viable product and have a business pitch to present to angel investors.


Validate your business idea by doing primary and secondary research.
Create a minimum viable product.
Develop a business pitch to present to investors.


Vending machines with charged mobile phone batteries.
NGO website that sells Colombian mochilas while helping indigenous communities through their foundation.
Narrative therapy website for teenagers with depression.
Finanzas Ed
Website with focused videos, chats and events to teach teenagers about personal finances.




Responsible for creating and supervising IE University’s Startup Lab since 2010. Also teaches at IE University: Business Management, Build Your Startup, Entrepreneurial Mindset and Producing Happiness in Yourself and in the Workplace.

Founder and CEO of LyL de Ultramar, the Master Franchise for Mexico of KA International, a leader in interior decoration franchises with more then 400 shops in five continents, from 1996-2005. During this time, she opened seven stores and managed a small team to service client and franchise needs.

Co-founder of the Happiness Seminar, which teaches companies and families how to increase their happiness baseline while improving communication, empathy, creativity and productivity.

Holds an MBA from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. BA in Graphic Design from Universidad Anahuac.

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