
Analyze financial markets to optimize investment strategies.


The goal of the Finance Lab is to provide students with a real-life experience in corporate finance, asset management, advisory services, and venture capital.


Apply modern corporate finance theory in the context of a wellknown advisory house where the students will be exposed to a project on map-ping financial investors (i.e. pension funds, insurance companies, asset managers) also through the usage of the Bloomberg terminal, an essen-tial tool for the modern financial professional.
Develop projects focused on the pri-vate equity sector, as well as the orig-ination of opportunities for the client as the company consolidates its role as key player in the secondary market for funds.
Identify and analyze venture capital firms investing into highgrowth tech companies and the complexities of valuation of SaaS businesses. All projects will involve a significant amount of research and data gathering.


Provide wealth management advice regarding investments in financial instruments, including technical details, in order to construct and justify an international portfolio.
Tackle the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility in today’s business landscape, and the way companies changed their attitude toward this key feature during the last years.
Identification of the most promising social currencies to be proposed to as an ethical financing oportunity.
Apply modern corporate finance theory for the Investment Banking Department, and be exposed to a project on high-yield bonds through the usage of the Bloomberg terminal.



Paolo Giancane, CFA, is a Managing Director for Mount Flag Capital (Hong Kong) Ltd, a merchant bank with offices in Beijing and Hong Kong active in cross-border M&A and private equity investing. Paolo has been exposed to the Chinese market since 2005 and has participated in several equity financings on behalf of Chinese clients and advised European clients in prospective investments in China as well as divestitures of European assets to Chinese buyers. He is currently advising a Chinese industrial company in the acquisition of a large competitor in the US.

Paolo worked at Lehman Brothers in London and New York from 1997 through 2002 in the corporate finance and leverage finance teams, respectively. He was a Director at UniCredit Investment Banking in Milan, Beijing and Hong Kong from 2002 through 2009. He is also an investor, board member and in charge of finance & business development at Vesenda, an Italian cutting edge software house designing enterprise solutions for big data analytics.

Paolo holds a MSc in Finance from London Business School and a BA Degree from Bocconi University in Milan. He teaches “Investment Banking in the APAC Region” at the IE Master in Finance, also giving on-the-ground master clases throughout Asia and Australia. He also teaches at Finance executive programs for IE Law School and IE School of Architecture and Design. Paolo has been supervising the Finance Lab since its establishment in 2013.


Silviu Glavan is the coordinator of the Finance Area at IE University-undergraduate level, and has a wide-ranging teaching experience both at the undergraduate and master level. He has taught courses in International Finance, Financial Derivatives, Risk Management, Fixed Income Securities and Other Derivatives, Financial Accounting and IFRS Accounting for programs such as the BBA, Master in Financial Engineering, Master in Financial Analysis, Master in Actuarial Science and Finance, and Master in Industrial Organization and Markets, at IE and other academic institutions. Silviu holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration and Quantitative Methods from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and a Master Degree in Statistics and Optimization from the Bucharest University.

In addition to his academic experience, he has spent several years as a consultant in the financial services industry: 4 years as an Insurance Broker for Aon, where he was in charge of the Financial Risks and Employee Benefits programs of his multinational customers, and 5 years with a Spanish start-up developing software for quantifying the financial risks of Spanish Banks and Asset Management Companies.

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