Make positive change through people.


The goal of the Behavior Lab is to provide students with experiences that help them connect their knowledge of human behavior to real-world challenges and organizational problems. All IE Bachelors have a different perspective on why people do what they do; we encourage applications from all students to create multi-disciplinary teams.


Apply different lenses to human behavior to understand issues and propose solutions to innovative businesses and organizations.
Understanding the motivations and social identity of different groups, the student team will provide a fresh perspective to embedded ways of thinking and doing.
Using different people analytics tools, students will examine the effectiveness of different practices implemented by the client organization to provide recommendations.
By understanding how people learn in different ways, students will support the creation of development plans for teams, organizations and communities.


Research productivity and the future of work and the intersection with spaces. Design a framework to measure productivity generated by spaces.
Identify different strategies for businesses to implement the reciprocity principle along different points of the customer journey in order to improve client satisfaction and client approximations.
Analyze and provide recommendations to lower the use of cash instead of digital transactions in neobanking platform.



Understanding how people develop and what inspires them to grow has been Daniel’s obsession for almost three decades. He has impacted the lives of employees while leading human resources departments in multinational companies in Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East.

He has also supported people’s development as an executive coach certified by the International Coach Federation and as a facilitator of The Immunity to Change program. As an entrepreneur, Daniel has been involved in the research, partnering, and founding of several human resources technology start-ups.

During the past five years as a professor, students at IE University have been one of his major sources of inspiration. His book “Inspirable: The Greatest Skill of All” is a compilation of his knowledge and experiences to provide a friendly development framework for individuals, teams, and organizations.

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