Arts & Culture

Join arts organizations and boost the impact of culture.


The Arts & Culture Lab aims to find original solutions for current challenges in the cultural sector. Students will work on projects for museums, music festivals, theatres, and art foundations to expand the positive impact of culture while supporting them in better serving their communities.

This Lab aims to familiarize students with the wide variety of professional opportunities and roles within the arts and culture world while learning how to fully develop interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of other areas including business development, digital marketing, or policy making.

Students from all Bachelor degrees are welcome to be part of the Arts & Culture Lab.


Strategic planning or how to support organizations in achieving their goals.
Program design or how to originally offer new contents for wider audiences.
Audience development or how to successfully attract targeted groups.
Fundraising or how to find and secure new sources of income.
Community reaching or how to build a sense of belonging around organizations.
Communication strategy or how to convey meaningful messages for constituents.


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Daniel Valtueña
Daniel Valtueña

Daniel Valtueña is an independent arts and culture consultant with more than 10 years of experience within the cultural sector both in Europe and in the US. In New York City, he ran the Artist Commissioning Program at the Queens Council on the Arts between 2020 and 2022 and designed the Artistic Residencies Program at New York University KJCC during the same years. He currently collaborates with major cultural consultancy firms in Spain including La Fábrica, Trànsit, and Radar and has intensively worked in the fields of internationalization, audience development, and strategy for arts organizations at an international level including New York Foundation for the Arts, Madrid City Hall, Fundación “la Caixa”, New Theatre Institute of Latvia, or Punto de Vista Navarra Documentary Film Festival. He received his PhD in Cultural Studies from The Graduate Center, City University of New York and is a Humanities Adjunct Professor at IE University.

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