Make global environmental sustainability a reality.


The Lab aims for students to gain consultancy, research, or professional skills in environmental sustainability. Students will work with government, industry or civil society organizations that promote environmental sustainability due to an increased acknowledgement of the intrinsic value of nature and its key role for human wellbeing and global stability. Together with these organizations, students will address real-life environmental sustainability challenges and opportunities in real work contexts. They will take holistic and integrative approaches and use environmental sustainability-inclusive methods and tools, contributing to solutions, creating synergic relationships, and positively impacting society.


Enhance biodiversity conservation and sustainable use efforts.
Foster the decarbonization of the economy through renewable energy and energy efficiency approaches.
Integrate ecosystem services and green qualities in city and infrastructure planning.
Approach environmental data and information systems.
Investigate best practice for Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability reporting.


Research EU sustainability taxonomy to help the firm adapt the framework to report on its activities and assess its sustainability performance.
Identify arguments that show the importance of sustainability projects and become a reference as a BCorp company on the business model level.
Analyze the travel and tourism industry in order to reshape it by identifying sustainability trends, risks and opportunities.



Juan has over 15 years of experience in managing research and consultancy sustainability projects. He is experienced in designing strategies for environmental conservation, climate change, energy, and sustainable cities and infrastructure. He is passionate about sustainability and teaching, having taught university students in environmental management and assessment as a Teaching Assistant during his PhD studies and recently as Adjunct Professor at IE University.

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