Develop professional projects for private companies, public organizations and non-profits.


Politics is everywhere, but policy-making does not occur in a vacuum; rather, it takes place among complex political and social environments in which different actors, operating within a changing institutional context, interact strategically as they pursue their own agendas.

The Policy Lab is a collaborative space in which students work in policy-related projects. The objective of this Lab is to introduce students to the wide world of policy (policy defined in the broad sense of the term). The Policy Lab is a ‘do-tank’ in which students learn by working in real projects with our partners in the private, non-profit or public sector.


Gain professional experience in areas connected to policy.
Achieve a better understanding and management of the socio-political context.
Work within multidisciplinary teams with the aim of delivering projects that meet high standards.


Prepare a report for EEAA (European Union External Action) that analyses challenges and opportunities for policy changes in education aimed at mitigating the adverse impact of Covid19.
Country Risk Assessment: elaborate outreach and mass media elements and present findings and strategies to the respective UN Thematic Groups in the areas of child protection and nutrition.
Provide policy guidelines focused on sustainable and innovative solutions linking tourism and development.
Develop a documentary on the results of Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI), as well as outreach materials following OECD/SIGI policy framework: advocacy and capacity building and the distribution of contents for social impact.



Building on a JD in Law and executive education on strategic communications, Miguel has spent more than a decade working with the UN and non-UN humanitarian and development partners on policy advice, needs assessments, joint planning and capacity building in the areas of conflict prevention, aid effectiveness and financing for development.

His experience ranges from crisis to middle-income countries working with a range of local partners, including non-state actors, local councils, MPs, high-ranking government officials, CSOs and private sector. He has supported UN agencies and the OECD in designing partnership building and community awareness strategies in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Nicaragua and Somalia among other countries. He is currently advising the UNWomen regional office for Asia and Pacific on their partnership building efforts while still supporting other United Nations field missions on strategic communications and capacity building initiatives.

He also works with the IE Business School as Associate Professor at the School of Human Science and Technology and the School of Global and Public Affairs, teaching several courses on Representation, Persuasion and Professional Ethics. His lectures and policy-oriented research are focused on the ethical dimensions of visual narratives and the possible relationship between structural violence and violent radicalisation.

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